
Just broke out: Old exchange suspected of illegality, market trust is at risk


Recently, Gate Sesame Exchange has triggered a huge crisis of trust in the digital currency market due to two serious illegal charges - opening a casino and settling telecom fraud funds as black money. As a trading platform that has attracted much attention, its illegal behavior not only shocked and angered investors, but also made the market full of concerns about the future of digital currency.

Illegal charges revealed

Opening a casino: Gate Sesame Exchange was accused of opening a casino on its platform, which seriously violated relevant regulations. The police have taken prompt action to conduct an in-depth investigation of the platform and filed criminal charges against the persons involved.

Black money settlement: The exchange is also suspected of settling telecom fraud funds as black money to customers, which seriously infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of investors and endangers the financial order.

Investors suffer heavy losses

Funding difficulties: Investors not only face the dilemma of frozen funds and inability to withdraw funds, but also bear huge psychological pressure.

Trust crisis: Some big customers were even taken away by the public security organs for investigation due to criminal activities related to the Gate Sesame Open Door platform, which exacerbated the trust crisis.

Founder plans to run away

The founder of the Gate Sesame Open Door exchange was exposed to plan to run away with the money. This irresponsible behavior chilled investors, who not only lost their investment principal, but also lost their confidence in the digital currency market.

Regulatory authorities actively responded

Regulatory authorities are actively taking measures to conduct in-depth investigations into illegal activities of illegal exchanges such as Gate Sesame Open Door, and severely crack down on relevant personnel involved, vowing to protect the rights and interests of investors and maintain the normal order of the digital currency market.

Calling on investors to remain calm

In the investment process, investors should choose legal, transparent and reliable trading platforms, and strengthen their understanding and learning of the digital currency market, improve risk awareness and prevention capabilities, and jointly maintain a healthy, stable and reliable digital currency market.

This article is reproduced, and the news needs to be verified. Is it true? Or is it alarmist? Will the old exchange gradually ferment like the Mentougou incident?

Let us wait and see!

#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #Gate.io #gate