Many people said that $PEOPLE was useless before, saying that $PEOPLE was simply garbage. But after it became popular, those people came to ask one by one, can they still buy it? This changed too quickly! And the founder of $SSV went to join the army, and a lot of people were scared and ran away. As a result, the situation changed and it increased by 5-6 times! This slap in the face was loud! Now many projects are FUDed, saying that Chinese projects such as the big cake ecosystem have no future, and big cake does not need an ecosystem. Beichen wants to say that the bad news heard in the bull market is mostly to make you get off the bus and miss the opportunity. The good news heard in the bear market is mostly to make you get on the bus and get trapped! So, everyone must have a clear understanding, rational thinking, only then can there be a bright future! Don't be swayed by those FUDs, believe in your own judgment! We must recognize the situation and ourselves. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? When to sell? What to buy and what is the strategy? How to do risk control? If you don’t understand, click on my avatar, follow me, and read more on the homepage.

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