Today I helped a younger brother of mine to welcome his girlfriend from China. My brother is currently in Japan and has not yet obtained a US visa. The girl came to the US this time saying that she was visiting her aunt.

They just confirmed their relationship, and my brother boasted to the girl in advance:

I have a good brother in the United States, he will receive you when you go there.

As a brother, I can't let you down.

I also did some homework beforehand and did a background check. The girl was born in 1995, graduated from Beijing Film Academy, and had performed in some unknown dramas in China.

In the afternoon, for my brother's sake, I drove my Rolls-Royce, which was covered in three layers of dust, to the downstairs of the hotel where the girl was staying at the agreed time and sent her a text message:

Hello, I am Lin's brother, I am already downstairs in the hotel. After about 10 minutes, she replied: Oh, I will be down in a while.

We agreed to meet at 6 o'clock. I waited for half an hour but she still didn't come down, so I sent her another message:

Hello, my hotel reservation is for 7:00 in the evening. If you are too late, it will be cancelled.

She didn't reply to me, and came down about 10 minutes later. I could tell it was her from a distance. She was carrying a Hermès crocodile leather bag. After all, she graduated from Beijing Film Academy and her appearance was quite good. Because I told her the license plate number in advance, she quickly noticed me.

Out of my American gentlemanly demeanor, I got out of the car in advance to open the door for her. After she got in, before I had time to close the door, she pressed the door closing button under the dashboard herself. The meaning of this action was: Who hasn't ridden in a Rolls-Royce?

I smiled inwardly, without any ripples

As an experienced driver, I have seen all kinds of women.

After all, we had just met, so in order to ease the awkward atmosphere after getting in the car, I chatted with her casually, asking her what her plans were for coming to the United States, where her aunt lived, how long would she stay, and whether she needed a car and driver arranged for her tomorrow.

The girl was not polite at all and said, "Okay, I'm going to go there next. So please arrange a driver and a car for me tomorrow."

Arrived at the restaurant and started ordering food

I asked: "Shall we drink? Shall we open a bottle of wine?"

The girl was really rude: OK, let me see the wine list

As soon as I received the wine list, I called the waiter and ordered the most expensive bottle of Opus One, which was the last on the list.

(I thought to myself, it’s a good thing this restaurant doesn’t have Conti, this girl was really ruthless)

Finished one bottle and opened another

As we were drinking and chatting, she couldn't stop herself. Fortunately, I can drink two kilograms of Moutai and I have a natural alcohol-resolving physique. A girl like this can drink in front of me without any fear.

Instead, as soon as she got excited, she started talking to me about everything, like how she used to sing with Wang Sicong, and went skiing with Qin Fen, and she kept talking on and on.

The main idea I wanted to express was that she has a wide circle of friends in Beijing and all of her friends are rich. As for me, I kept agreeing with her the whole night, saying, "Wow, you are so awesome."

I kept listening to her complaining until the restaurant was about to close. When I paid the bill, it was $8,000. Damn it, I haven’t had such a luxurious meal all year. Forget it, I have to bear with it for my brother’s sake.

We walked out of the restaurant and sent her back to the hotel. On the way, I couldn't help myself. As the saying goes, even rabbits bite when they are angry. The righteous little universe in my heart exploded, and I started the Big B brother's output mode:

Girl, I am 9 years older than you, and you are my brother's girlfriend. I am playing the role of a good host and receiving you at my brother's request. You were late today and showed no apology. I don't know whether you are serious about your relationship with my brother or you are just trying to get him some money.

If we are talking seriously, I have some advice for you. Don't make yourself look like a gold digger. I don't know whether you were a gold digger in the past, and I don't want to know. But you are not young anymore. You will be 30 next year. How many more years can you enjoy your youth?

You should seize the tail of your youth and find a rich man to marry. Although my brother's conditions are not as good as Wang Sicong and Qin Fen, he is better than 90% of the people in China. What's the point of mentioning Wang Sicong and Qin Fen? Did they want you? Did you get it? Have you ever reflected on why you didn't get it?

If you want to hook up with a big brother, don't be too eager for quick success. Men are not stupid, and rich men are even less stupid. Do you know what it means that a woman without talent is virtuous? Being without talent does not mean being illiterate, but knowing how to act stupid and being wise. Do you understand?

You should also know the rules and basic etiquette. Don't habitually take others as a fool. Good looks and youth are your capital, but you can't abuse it. If you abuse it, you will lose yourself in the end. I have seen many people from Beijing Film Academy and Shanghai Theatre Academy, but how many of them can become big stars in the end? How many of them can marry into a wealthy family?

Have you understood what you have learned since you graduated? Do you know what kind of women rich men like? Have you ever summarized what you have met with so many rich men? Have you ever reflected on why you haven't married into a wealthy family at the age of 30?

You have to learn to pretend. Even if you have ridden in a Rolls-Royce, you have to pretend that you have never ridden in one. No matter which young men you have played with in the past, you have to deny it. You have to think clearly about your position. Do you want to continue to make money or do you want to be a qualified girlfriend or wife?

I walked all the way downstairs of the hotel. The girl absorbed my teaching all the way and nodded frequently. Finally, when we arrived at the hotel entrance, she suddenly asked: "Brother, do you want to come up and sit with us?"

I sent a WeChat message to my brother: The person has been delivered safely.

Am I that kind of person?