Today's Analysis - Dr. Frog 🐸🔮

Today is the last day of the month and also Sunday. The recent market trend has not fluctuated much, and the operation space is limited. This month's monthly line closed with a negative, which is a normal oscillation trend, and the weekly K line also closed with a negative hammer. It was previously expected to be a daily level rebound. After approaching the resistance level twice, the moving average continued to suppress the price over time. If it fails to break through, $BTC may have a greater probability of falling to $58,000-$57,000.

Altcoins and $BTC are both in a new oscillation range, and July is expected to be a oscillating transition month. When the market fluctuates slightly, reduce the frequency of operations, avoid losses and mental wear, and grasp the general direction rhythm.

Support and resistance


Support: $3,400 - $3,200Resistance: $3,600


Support: $63,000 - $60,000 (small fluctuation range) Support below: $60,000 After breaking, $58,000 - $57,000 below

Wait patiently for the market trend to become clear, and operate when there is an opportunity, and rest when there is no opportunity.

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