[Four Core Axe of Short-term Trading]

First point: Short-term peak, do not be greedy.

Short-term trading is a trend of short-term rise. If the trend peaks from a high position, you cannot have illusions and greed. You should abide by the principles of the short-term trading system and sell in time. It is not too late to enter the market when new opportunities appear later.

Second point: Grasp the strong coins tightly and enter and exit quickly.

The core of short-term trading is to choose strong coins. Strong coins have good enough liquidity. As long as the trend has not peaked, there will be continuous funds coming in with an upward trend.

Third point: Grab the absolute leading coins in the hot sector. The peak is slow and the profit is fast.

When a hot sector is formed, if a new wave is started, then after the new absolute leading coin appears, you can intervene later. The leading coin without competition will only rise faster and faster.

Fourth point: When your short-term model does not have any money-making effect, you should stop trading

When there is no hot spot in the market or your short-term model does not have any money-making effect, the best transaction at this time is to short position, and short position is to wait for better short-term strong coins to appear.