Today is the last day of the first half of 2024. After the surge in the past six months, the crypto market has been sideways for three months. The mainstream currency has pulled back by about 30%, and most of the cottage currencies have pulled back by more than 50%. Is there any chance in the second half of 2024?

From the fundamentals, we focus on two aspects:

1: The Fed cuts interest rates, which is certain, whether it is this year or next year.

2: The approval of spot ETFs. The crypto market has been around for ten years. From the chaos in the early stage to the gradual standardization now, institutions have become the main participants in the market, which will make the bull market in the market longer.

So, judging from the overall situation, the bull market has not ended, but it needs to be treated rationally. The crazy bull market in the past may turn into a slow bull market.