📢Good news! Recent online rumors that ZKsync has only 100+ transactions per day have been proven to be false information! 😮In fact, this data is for the ZKsync cross-chain bridge, not the ZKsync network itself. 🔍

According to Matter Labs' official data dashboard, the ZKsync Era network has 360,000 transactions per day! This number is truly astonishing and proves the strong potential and wide application of Bitcoin and blockchain technology. 🚀

Let us look forward to the future development of the ZKsync network, and let us continue to pay attention to blockchain global regulatory dynamics, industry trends, and cryptocurrency news to get the latest information and dynamics. 🔭🌐

Remember that only real data and information can help us make wise decisions. So, if we encounter irrelevant or false information, we must learn to reject and discern. 💪🔐