The fourth paragraph: Break the shackles of frequent stop losses and climb to the peak of successful trading! The academicians of the currency circle light up your trading path. It is obvious that Bitcoin and Ethereum have been in a bearish trend during this period of time. Except for a few small-scale retracements and the upper pressure level was broken, it was correct to open short orders at other times, and it was not easy to be stopped out. From a probability perspective, the opportunity to make money by opening a short position is obviously greater than the opportunity to open a long position. This is why it is said that following the trend is king. There is a problem with the setting of the stop loss point. There is actually nothing to say about this, because stop loss is not only an objective problem, but also a very subjective problem. Objectively speaking, for trend traders, they should not leave if the trend is not broken. But subjectively speaking, whether it is the retracement of profits or the ability to bear losses, everyone's psychological tolerance and actual tolerance are different. Here, the currency circle will talk about some personal views, hoping to be useful to everyone. 1. Stop loss is necessary, and frequent stop loss is better than no stop loss. What if there is a continuous stop loss? At least we are still here and have not been decentralized. The fundamental purpose of trading is survival.

2.    Do not set the stop loss in a too obvious position, especially to avoid pressure points and support points, otherwise it is easy to be swept out.

3.    Stop loss is not only to control risks, but more to improve the utilization rate of funds, give yourself the opportunity to enter the market again, and you can also remedy it in time when you encounter a unilateral situation.

4.    Do not move the stop loss line down when there are many orders, and do not move the stop loss line up when you are short. Don't be unwilling to stop loss when you should stop loss and stop profit when you should stop profit, and give yourself the opportunity to be wrong.

5.    The triggering of stop loss does not mean that the transaction is wrong. Stop loss does not mean loss. This is just the normal loss in our transaction, which is the norm.

6.    People who do not stop loss will be decentralized sooner or later, so you must strictly stop loss and dare to stop loss to be a mature trader. No one has finished himself because of stop loss.

7.    Do not trade frequently. The academician of the currency circle said so much, I hope it will be helpful to everyone, thank you for reading. $BTC $ETH

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