The third paragraph breaks the shackles of frequent stop losses and climbs to the peak of successful trading! The academician of the currency circle lights up your trading path.

Then some students asked how to deal with this situation? The question is very good. The solution to this situation is also very simple.

The first point is to reduce the frequency of operations.

The second point is to withstand the shock market.

The suggestion of the academician of the currency circle is to reduce the frequency of operations. It is better to miss than to make mistakes. Missing only means less profit, but making mistakes may be decentralized. For us traders, those who can afford to lose are long-term winners.

Secondly, the position of opening a position is incorrect. Seeing the direction clearly is not a problem for most people. The problem is that seeing the direction clearly does not mean making money. On the contrary, it is normal to lose money even if you see the right direction. This is the same as fighting a war. It is about the right time, the right place, and the right people. All three are indispensable. Seeing the right direction is just taking advantage of the time, but it is actually this market. Do you think it is correct to open a long position where the arrow points?

It is obvious that the direction is right, but the timing is wrong, especially for the high-leverage model of contracts in the currency circle. If your position is heavy in the above two places, if you stop loss according to the moving average, there is a high probability that you have already blown up. If you stop loss with a small increase, it is obvious that it is difficult for you to avoid the frequent stop loss. Even if your direction is right, it is not only a psychological problem, but also a practical problem.

By the same token, if you open a short order at these two points, even in such a strong unilateral market, you still have a good profit margin. This is timing trading, and it is more about grasping the timing. Of course, it is not recommended that you make orders against the trend.


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