[US federal judge maintains SEC's "most" charges against Binance] Golden Finance reported that a US federal judge maintained most of the SEC's charges against Binance, believing that the company may have provided unregistered investment products in violation of anti-fraud regulations. The ruling considered most of the agency's arguments to be reasonable and rejected certain arguments raised by Binance, which were also rejected by other judges, such as the Major Questions Doctrine, which means that the SEC has no right to fully regulate the cryptocurrency industry. In addition, the court also found that Binance founder and former CEO CZ, who is currently serving a prison sentence, has been charged by the Department of Justice against Binance in another case, and given his control over Binance, he may be personally responsible for Binance's violations. However, the judge also rejected certain complaints related to some of the charges. Judge Amy Berman Jackson's ruling stated that the charges did not meet the Howey test standard. Judge Jackson also dismissed charges related to BNB secondary sales and Binance's simple earning project, but the charges against Binance's Earn Vault will continue. Of the 13 charges, only one — related to BUSD sales — was dismissed in its entirety.