【Crypto Gossip】Hello everyone, I have something new to tell you about WLD tokens! According to Token.unlocks data, starting from July 24, WLD will usher in a large amount of linear unlocking, with the number of unlockings per day reaching 6.62 million, equivalent to about 18 million US dollars. This unlocking process will last for a full 730 days! 😯

This unlocking includes community unlocking, initial development team unlocking, and investor unlocking. What do you think of such a large unlocking amount? Do you have any opinions or questions about this? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area, let's discuss it together!

This news is undoubtedly an important reminder for WLD holders. We will wait and see how the market reacts after the unlocking. In any case, we must keep an eye on the dynamics of the blockchain industry, keep abreast of the latest information, and make wise decisions.

This is today's crypto gossip, I hope it will be helpful to you. Remember to follow us to get more latest news in the blockchain industry!