BAC is going to buy back Genesis NFTs at a price of 0.08e. I can get back 0.56e for my 7 Genesis NFTs.

My NFT cost is not too high. I sold 2 at a white price of 0.16e. The remaining 5 were bought at the bottom last night and the night before yesterday, with an average price of about 0.08e.

I feel sorry for the big friend who bought 67 NFTs at an average price of 0.4e. He lost a lot in a game!

I hope the buyback can be implemented. I will continue to post the follow-up progress for reference for friends who are watching the chain game.

I always feel that the first chain game on Blast will not end so hastily. I planted a leek field. If I want to harvest leeks, it seems that I can harvest several crops before leaving.

