
💫This is a very magical MeMe

💫Only one trick is needed

💫You can easily earn 🐔+🐷 meals every day

💫If it falls back to the middle track in 4 hours,

💫Don’t think about it

💫No brainer to enter more

💫If it touches the MA500 daily moving average in one hour, close the position directly

💫In the first week of the week, the daily line stands firmly on the middle track, and it is no problem to go directly to 2.85

💫Remember to review, if it falls back, it means the God of Wealth is sending money

Pay more attention to his news on $WIF


#Meme板块普涨 #WIFT突破新高 #WIF王者归来 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安合约锦标赛