📣 Play2Earn News 🎮 games listings on exchanges, new boost mechanics

Let's briefly, quickly go over the main and interesting news.

1️⃣ Blum - an AMA recently took place - a session with the CEO of Blum, the positive thing is that mechanics will soon be introduced where we will be able to catch cryptocurrency in the game, the negative thing is that our accumulated tickets will burn out, I have already started winning them back, I have accumulated 500 tickets, and yesterday played 100. Also added tasks, new tasks to the game

2️⃣ Dotcoin - next week the mechanics will be launched, where we buy mining for in-game coins, which will bring us the $DOT token, and it can immediately be put on the exchange and sold. The first level of improvement will cost 51000, I have saved up 5 million coins and will invest everything in mining

3️⃣ TapSwap - July 1st is already a DROP. Now we have introduced daily tasks for watching videos, one video brings 100k coins, and we can also get 500k for subscribing to the channel

4️⃣ Catizen - the 2nd stage is coming to an end, DROP will be in July, and then the 3rd stage will begin.

5️⃣ Fuel Jetton - mining ends in July, listing and drop according to information are also scheduled for July

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