🚀🚀Blockchain news! Geniidata data is freshly released, and the 24-hour transaction volume of Rune reached 1.91 million US dollars. Although it is a decrease of 22.78% from the previous period, this does not affect our optimistic view of it. 😎😎

The total market value also fell to 1.33 billion, a decrease of 1.7%. The seemingly small fluctuation actually contains huge changes in the market. 📉📉

However, we always remain optimistic about Bitcoin. 💪💪In this volatile market, Bitcoin has remained consistent and shown its tenacity. 👍👍

We will continue to pay attention to the global regulatory dynamics of blockchain, industry trends, and cryptocurrency news to bring you the latest and most accurate information. 🔍🔍

Let us look forward to the future of blockchain together! 🌟🌟