

How can a small amount of capital rise quickly in the trading market? This is the only way, no other.

You must survive and take advantage of several large waves of market conditions. There are several conditions that must be met. The first is to survive. Many traders will hold on to orders once they make a mistake. If they hold on to orders, this will not work. You must dare to stop loss, and stop loss reasonably, so that you can survive.

The second condition is that you must take advantage of several large waves of market conditions, so you must hold a heavy position. Due to the heavy position, you may only have two or three trading opportunities. In this case, you must achieve the effect of one hit and one hit. In this case, you must superimpose enough trading signals to increase your trading opportunities and amplify your trading signals, so as to choose the best trading opportunity to take advantage of this wave of market conditions.

Then there is only one uncontrollable variable left, that is luck. Because the funds are small and there is almost no room for operation, it is particularly important to enter the market$BTC