🚨The market has entered a stagnant environment, how to break the situation? 🚨

🌐 Current situation analysis:

June is about to end, and the market will not affect the rise in July. Despite the positive US interest rate cuts and PCE data, the market is facing the dilemma of over-issuance of altcoins. There are more than 30,000 coins in the secondary market, and more in the primary market, especially meme coins on the SOL ecosystem, which are over-issued and abused. The market has been harvested repeatedly, and BTC remains at the miner shutdown price point.

🔧 Breaking strategy:

1️⃣ Stable bottom-fishing strategy:

When the big cake falls, bottom-fish in batches to avoid one-time investment. Only buy altcoins with high heat and hot spots to ensure market attention.

2️⃣ Early layout:

Pay attention to the dynamics of ETF approval and layout ETH ecological tokens in advance. The ETH ecosystem has more stable support and prospects, and the layout potential is great.

3️⃣ Risk management:

Pay close attention to market news and adjust strategies in time. Avoid high-risk meme coins and over-issued projects, and choose stable and promising projects for investment.

4️⃣ Fund management:

Maintain sufficient liquidity and avoid full-position operations. Allocate a reasonable investment ratio to reduce the risk of a single project.

5️⃣ Information collection:

Pay attention to global market trends and government policies, and respond to market changes in advance. Strengthen research and analysis of projects, and choose potential projects for investment.

📈 Summary:

The market is sluggish, but there is still a way out. Through a stable bottom-picking strategy and early layout, combined with risk and fund management, gradually achieve steady profits. Remember, investment needs to be cautious, and strategy and information are the key to success.

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