Have you heard of "dragon slashing"?

In a casino, if a gambling table has 10 to 13 consecutive identical results (such as consecutive big or small), a "dragon slashing group" will appear. Their logic is that the casino cannot cheat, and the probability of 10 consecutive identical results is very low (about 9.7 in 10,000). Therefore, they believe that after the 10th time, the probability of continuing to have the same result is even lower. They will adopt the Martingale strategy, betting in the opposite direction, doubling the bet every time they lose, until they finally win. By the 13th identical result, the probability of the 14th identical result dropped to 0.006% (0.6 in 10,000). These "dragon slashing groups" bet on this low probability. However, if you understand probability, you will know that the probability of each result is actually the same. Although the overall probability of the same result is very low, the probability of each occurrence has not changed. Back to BTC's 3-day chart, there have been 6 negative lines so far, and the highest number in history is 7. Based on this logic, some gamblers may enter the market and go long on the weekend or now to gain profits from a strong rebound. Of course, this discussion is just because we are bored on the weekend and want to find something to talk about. If the current 3-day line closes positive, then the above logic may be verified. Whether history will repeat the law will be revealed next week.

#Btcoin #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #Meme板块普涨