The focus is on $ZK . Who is still paying attention to his fellow sufferer $STRK ?

It seems to be worse than ZK. What I mean by worse is that friends who bought at high prices are already lacking oxygen.

STRK's highest decline is more than 75%, while ZK's decline is only 35%. ZK uses the decline to prove that ZK is better than STRK.

And $LISTA , which was favored by people at the opening and is now spurned, is more awesome than him on the market. Why do people still scold him?

In just a few days, LISTA deposited more than 30 million LISTA tokens through LISTA RUSH. Although the price has not risen at all, the income for the on-chain project is objective.

Lista's way of making money is very simple

First, there are borrowing fees on lisUSD (similar to MakerDAO).

Then get the commission for liquidity staking (similar to Lido).

Soon you will get early claim fees for veLISTA (Prisma's mechanism), which will be launched in July. This is the next activity of ListaDAO to increase the new mechanism of staking income.





Long ZK