I once lost more than 4 million in a month. From the initial anger and scolding to the current silence, I deeply feel the pain and helplessness.

Nowadays, many people are complaining that the exchange's coin price does not rise, the project party has no pattern, VC buys low and sells high, and the coins recommended by kol make them lose money...

From a neutral perspective, in fact, each role has its own way of making money.

Exchanges make a living by transaction volume and fees, project parties rely on selling coins and attracting investment, VCs earn investment spreads, and kols rely on traffic and transactions.

Retail investors rely entirely on their own vision and luck.

I fully understand this kind of pain and venting because I have been there. But for some people, I really don't know how to describe it.

When the market is good, they make profits easily, and then say "Isn't it easy to make money?" Once the market is bad and they lose money, they start to blame kols and complain that the recommended coins make them lose money.

When they make ten times the money, they may just simply praise a few words, but once they lose half, you will find that they are scolded everywhere and become the most active people. This may be a true reflection of human nature.

In the final analysis, all emotions stem from losses. The market does need a strong rebound to appease these "leeks". But for now, we still need to wait patiently.
