No matter how you wash it, Bitget is an exchange known in the circle for taking advantage of customer losses. It has also given risk-free customer loss dividends to several large KOL communities. Now those communities are still active in the market, you know.

Recently, a fan sent me a private message. It turned out that the exchange this foreign student joined was called Bitget Exchange. Many big names in the circle had experienced scandals and issued warnings before. Unfortunately, this fan didn't know about it. No wonder he lost so much money in a short period of time.

This kind of fake exchange is more manipulative, and the teachers who guide orders in this kind of exchange are all in cooperation with the exchange. They not only make money from your rebates, but also eat your customer losses. If you lose more than 2 million, the teacher who guides orders will not eat hundreds of thousands.

A former employee of Bitget said: First, this unfortunate platform deliberately modified the API interface delay to about 200 milliseconds. Second, the company had a layoff plan. In fact, I could accept the fact of being laid off, but I really had no preparation. I was in a meeting in the morning and was fired in the afternoon. I was fired as required. I cooperated with the express delivery of the computer to them. As a result, when it came to compensation, it was only based on the after-tax salary. Their greed was really too ugly. If there are partners with the same experience, please support us and let everyone see how disgusting this exchange is.

I heard recently that something is happening again.

Recently, many fans reported that they encountered serious problems when withdrawing money from the gate platform. They said that the gate officials seemed to deliberately use various false reasons to prevent fans from withdrawing money, and even used the tokens recharged by users on the platform to maliciously smash the market on other exchanges.

Specifically, when the token prices of certain projects are high, users who try to withdraw tokens will be blocked by the gate platform for various reasons such as "account risks" and require users to sign the so-called "anti-money laundering agreement". This process may last for several days, causing users' tokens to be frozen for a long time. Once the get platform has accumulated a sufficient number of tokens, they will sell them at high prices on other exchanges, the so-called "dumping", and then release these tokens to users when the token prices are low. This behavior has seriously damaged the interests of users and has also caused widespread dissatisfaction and doubts.

Please pay attention to risk control!!!#Bitget #PEPEUSDT #LDO $BTC $SOL