💡 Why is it getting harder and harder to make money in the cryptocurrency world? 🤔

1️⃣ Wall Street enters the market: After the ETF is approved, Wall Street's professional methods make the harvest more intense. After retail investors who can't play well in the A-share market enter the market, the probability of being harvested is higher, and the opponent is Wall Street, which harvests the world.

2️⃣ Halving bull and bear is no longer practical: the impact of halving on the market has weakened, and ETF is just a tool, not a belief. The bull and bear cycle of the cryptocurrency world is changing.

3️⃣ There are too many projects, choose the best: there are many projects that are bright on the surface but poor in strength, and you must have sufficient investment research capabilities to select good projects.

4️⃣ The higher the industry's popularity, the lower the profit margin: the more people know about the industry, the smaller the profit margin, and the higher the technical requirements.

🔍 How to deal with it?

1️⃣ Understand Wall Street's methods: learn more, analyze more, and improve your judgment.

2️⃣ Give up the idea of ​​four years of bull and bear: analyze and judge the market trend from the perspective of the international financial world pattern.

3️⃣ Improve investment research and trading capabilities: increase the ability to make continuous and stable profits.

📚 Investment is risky, learning never stops! 💪

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