About X platform usage hitting record high after US presidential debate, up 5%

Event background: On June 28, 2024, US President Biden and Trump held the first debate of the 2024 election on CNN. Following the debate, usage of the X platform (formerly Twitter) hit an all-time high, beating the previous record by 5%.

X platform usage growth data: After the presidential debate began, the X platform usage increased significantly, with a growth rate of 5%. This data shows that during the major political event of the US presidential debate, the X platform became an important channel for the public to obtain information, express opinions and participate in discussions. Comparison with previous events: Previous political events or debates may have led to an increase in X platform usage, but this time the growth has reached a record high, showing that X platform’s influence and user participation in political events are increasing. Keep improving.

Possible reasons: As an important event in American political life, presidential debates attract a large amount of public attention. As a social media platform, the X platform has the characteristics of rapid information dissemination and strong user interaction. It has become an important platform for the public to obtain real-time information and participate in discussions. As important figures on the American political stage, Biden and Trump naturally attracted a lot of attention and discussion in their debates. This kind of attention and discussion has also led to an increase in the usage of the X platform.

Impact analysis: The increase in the use of X platform is a positive signal for the platform, indicating that its influence in American politics, society and culture is increasing. At the same time, this also provides more business opportunities and development space for the X platform. For political participants, the increased use of the X platform means that they can better understand the public’s views and reactions through the platform, providing an important reference for formulating and adjusting political strategies.

In short, the usage of the X platform reached a record high after the US presidential debate, and the 5% increase shows that the platform's influence and user participation in US political events are constantly increasing. This also provides more opportunities and challenges for the future development of the X platform.