Some people will say that the Ethereum ETF is about to be listed and traded. Isn't this a good thing?

Yes, of course. But do you remember the trend of the market after the Bitcoin ETF was passed?

It directly pulled back by 20%. Will Ethereum do the same? Of course, Bitcoin has experienced a surge before, and Ethereum has been sluggish, but the market will not pity you because of your sluggishness. It will fall if it should fall.

The possible trend is that after it is confirmed to be passed, Ethereum will experience a big rise to around 3,800, and then quickly pull back 20 points.

If this situation really happens, then the last golden pit of this bull market may really appear. There is only one thing we have to do, and that is to enter the market decisively.

Now many people have laid out a large number of Ethereum second-layer ecosystems in the previous March and April market. These projects were previously in great glory, but then they went down all the way, and now they have fallen to the point where even their own mothers don't recognize them.

The explosion of these projects is a matter of time, just continue to hold them, don't panic. One is that the market is not good, and the other is that the unlocking volume is too large, so the market can't pick up.

Previously, they were the stars of the entire market, and they also believed that the second layer of Ethereum would explode like the AI ​​track, but it never exploded.

Perhaps it was because too many people were laying out, and the dealer could not come in to carry the sedan chair for everyone. The second layer BLAST that was recently launched, Maji's big brother made a high-profile bottom-fishing, which looked a bit fake. Don't think he was laying out. He just came in to make a short-term wave, waiting for you to enter the market to carry the sedan chair, and then he shipped at a high position. We have better projects worth investing in. This project can be laid out with spare money, and you don't have to take it too seriously.

Finally, if you are a pure novice, and you are excited to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. A tall building rises from the ground, and glory can only rely on yourself. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

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