#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划

Most people think they are the chosen ones before playing contracts. They have great perseverance, will not be greedy, and will be able to control themselves.

Once you enter the market and start playing contracts, the situation changes. There are two situations:

The first one is that you are very lucky

You made a lot of money on the first order. This money is enough to save you a few months of hard work. At this time, you feel that all workers are stupid. You can make so much money just by sitting here and moving your fingers.

At the same time, you are sure that you are the chosen one, and the currency circle is the wealth code of your life. What kind of job do you need at this time? Resign quickly and become a full-time contract god.

At this time, you are confused by the violent ups and downs of wealth every day, and you completely forget that you can control it.

Of course, luck cannot always be good. There is a strange feature of contracts, that is, if you make 100 orders correctly, you only need one order to blow up your position.

The final result almost always ends with a blow up.

The second type is extremely unlucky.

The first order lost money, but they didn't believe in it. They continued to invest and continued to lose money. They continued to borrow money and continued to lose money. Of course, they also made money in the process, and their wealth fluctuated violently.

In the end, the account was liquidated. At this time, many newcomers have been obsessed with it, thinking that they have lost so much money and must recover their losses. At the same time, they also think that they have used money to figure out the rules of the contract. As long as they give themselves the principal, they will definitely be able to make a comeback.

At this time, many people start the road of online loans....

The ending is certain, the account will be liquidated... and continue to be liquidated...

Until the debt is high, and finally they have to withdraw from the currency circle with tears, and their lives have fallen into darkness.

I have always advised newcomers not to do contracts directly. The product itself is not good or bad. Human greed is the root cause of losing money.

Contracts are suitable for people with sufficient investment experience. They have a strict risk control system and professional market forecasting and analysis.

Although it may not be accurate, it is no problem to make a little money, especially when encountering a big bull market or a big bear market, with sharp rises and falls, as long as you do it right in one wave, you will indeed be worry-free for life.

Of course, the premise is that you know how to stop in time and know how to cash out.


