1. Full warehouse operation

Although full-position operation may increase your wealth quickly, it is more likely to cause you to quickly lose your position. Nothing is absolute. The accumulation of wealth is proportional to time. Relying on small capital to make large-scale profits and large fluctuations in the capital curve are themselves abnormal phenomena. The only way to success is to take two steps forward and one step back and steadily increase the capital.

Solution: Never open a full position. Each time you open a position, it is best not to exceed 10% of the total funds, and a maximum of 30% to prevent margin calls or other situations.

2. Opening a position against the trend

Many new investors like to open reverse positions when the market rises or falls sharply, always thinking that the rise or fall is about the same. Although they may be lucky enough to make a profit, this is a situation where they will be forced to close their positions if they encounter continuous one-sided market conditions, until their positions are blown up.

Solution: Never open a reverse position under strong conditions

3. Position syndrome is a common problem among investors

The "symptoms" are: when there are no orders in hand, you can't sit still and have to place an order; when you have orders in hand, you panic and don't know what to do once the market moves in the opposite direction; you think there are endless opportunities and always want to operate non-stop, but the more you operate, the more you lose, and the more you lose, the more you operate. The main reason is that there is no good technical analysis method to back it up, and you have no confidence, not knowing that rest is also a method of operation!

Solution: Sit back and wait for the rabbit to come, and the cheetah will strike; take a break when there is no opportunity in the market, and follow up decisively when there is an opportunity; resolutely execute the stop-profit and stop-loss

4. Subjective Assumptions

Some investors always make subjective assumptions about where the market will rise or fall, and as a result, they are stuck in the middle, unable to move, ultimately leading to huge losses.

Solution: Go with the flow and be a firm follower of market trends

5. Stand firm and never give up

Many investors are stubborn and never admit defeat when they make mistakes. They always believe that the market will rise or fall again, which leads to continuous mistakes. The consequences are obvious. "I just don't believe it won't rise, I just don't believe it won't fall..." This mentality is absolutely unacceptable.

Solution: Don’t rely on luck, and resolutely stop profit and loss at the first opportunity

6. Grab the rebound against the trend

Many investors believe that the market will rebound when it reaches a certain point, so they will rush in. If they are right, they can certainly get rich quickly. Otherwise, it will be like walking on an edge and losing more and more.

Solution: Judging a rebound against the trend requires certain skills. For inexperienced beginners, it is better not to take risks and just go with the flow.

7. Frequent long and short operations

Many investors want to be all-round players. After going "long", they go "short", and after going "short", they go "long". Although frequent positive and negative operations can make more money, this goes against the law of following the market trend.

Solution: When there is no force that breaks the other force, don't think about the opposite direction. In a bull market, go long, and in a bear market, stick to shorting.

8. Hesitation in placing an order

When going long, you are afraid of being tempted into buying and false breakthroughs; when going short, you are afraid of being tempted into shorting, which causes opportunities to disappear from your sight.

Solution: Understand that there is always a sliding inertia after a train starts. When the trend takes the first step, we follow it in one and a half steps until the balance is broken. When the trend is established, adopt the "take it all" operation strategy. When the signs of a false breakthrough appear, the chances of winning in the opposite direction are very high. #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC