The market fell all the way at midnight until it bottomed out and rebounded in the early morning. The strength of this decline was beyond our expectations, but the decline was expected. The low point did not reach the entry range we gave. Our real long-term stocks entered the market earlier and finally had to leave the market to protect their principal. The big cake entered the market at 60703 long-term stocks and waited for the price to rise to 60948 in the morning, with a small space of more than 200 points. The ether entered the market at 3407 long-term stocks, added positions once in the middle, and finally left the market when it rose to 3399 in the morning, with a small space of more than 10 points. There is no 100% winning rate, but after this round of fluctuations, our winning streak is still there.

From the current market, the price ratio fell after a period of rise yesterday and closed at a lower level, forming a small Yinxian, close to the lower track range. Although it broke through the neckline of 61800, it failed to continue its strength. The retracement showed signs of seeking support. Pay attention to the current key support at the 60000 mark, especially yesterday's failure to explore at midnight. Usually, the market rebounds immediately after a pullback, but yesterday's reverse pullback made the short-term bullish power insufficient, showing a roundabout oscillation. Today's performance will be the key to see whether it can quickly recover and regain lost ground. From the 4-hour chart, a single negative line fell and then stabilized above 60,000. Although the high point has been broken, it has not shown signs of a strong rise. The short-term trend still shows the characteristics of repeated fluctuations. Yesterday's low closing may indicate that the short-term may first pull back to confirm. The weekend's air traffic may fluctuate less. At present, it is recommended to pay attention to the strength of the short-term long-short conversion and find the right entry point. Band operators can enter the market at the current point and set a defense position at 60,000 to prevent the price from falling and breaking through, and then wait for the bullish power to exert its strength.

  Big cake can be taken at 60,300-60,000, with a target near 61,500; ether can be taken at 3330-3300, with a target near 3460.

#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #IntroToCopytrading