After reading Yuqi's answer yesterday, I was deeply moved. Yuqi's starting point is very good, and he doesn't want everyone to fall into the trap and be harvested. Many of the views in the article are very positive and I agree with them. Here are some reasons why Yuqi said that poor people should not speculate in cryptocurrencies:

Poor people have poor thinking;

Poor people speculate in cryptocurrencies with a gambling mentality;

Poor people are prone to gamble away their wealth, even their life-saving money;

Poor people prefer short-term speculation;

The poor have knowledge limits and have no clear awareness of this.

Poor people have an inferiority complex and are more eager to be recognized (Bao Erye).

All the reasons Yuqi mentioned do exist and are objective. But it does not mean that poor people should not speculate in cryptocurrencies because of these reasons. Instead, they should look at investment and speculation in cryptocurrencies more rationally. This is "investment" rather than "gambling."

1. The poor need to invest more

The capital market is always bloody, but it never distinguishes between rich and poor. The same Lanxiang brand harvester will harvest the same harvest.

It is not only the poor who lose in the capital market. Many fund managers who manage hundreds of millions of dollars have jumped off buildings during the stock market crash. Jia Yueting, who lost the bet, fled to the United States. So the above reasons also apply to the rich.

Guo Shuqing said that the poor should not speculate in stocks because they have very poor risk resistance. If they become addicted to stock speculation, they will lose their hard-earned money and life-saving money, and may even cause their families to be broken up, causing social unrest and affecting the overall stability maintenance.

Earlier, there was a saying that "poor people are better off not buying houses." Now that you are standing from a God's perspective, what do you think of this statement?

The poor don’t want to speculate in stocks, the poor don’t want to speculate in cryptocurrencies, and the poor don’t want to buy houses. So what can the poor do? How should they do it?

Besides working, saving money, and putting it in the bank, what else can we do? Eat, drink, defecate, urinate, and sleep? Waiting for the currency to be hit by the dimensionality reduction, the currency is over-issued, and it is harvested in disguise?

Rich people like to borrow money for investment, while poor people like to save money for capital preservation.

Not learning, not investing, not managing finances, this is the real poor mindset.

If you read my articles often, you should know why you should invest. Because of Keynesianism, because of the dimensionality reduction of currency, because money has been depreciating for a long time. Bitsha said that this is the malice of society.

If you don’t invest, you are doomed to be harvested. This is true for everyone, whether rich or poor.

The rich need to invest, and the poor need to invest even more.

You can invest in yourself, improve your abilities, and enhance your cognition. You can also invest in assets and wait for them to appreciate in value.

2. Investing is not gambling

Poor people need to invest, but investment is not gambling, so don’t have a “gambler’s” mentality.

If you speculate in cryptocurrencies with a "gambling" mentality, speculating in cryptocurrencies is equivalent to "buying lottery tickets". Every day is like scratching a lottery ticket. If you win, you make money. If you don't win, you lose the lottery shop. This is a gambler.

For gamblers, there is no need to learn, value investing is bullshit.

Gamblers only see the poker game, and what they enjoy is the thrill of poker and the climax of getting rich. It is undeniable that Hong Kong films have cultivated a group of gamblers.

What gamblers like most is to guess the size. As long as the odds are high enough, they never care how low the winning rate is.

How stupid is it to bet on 10 times the odds when you have a 1% chance of winning? But can gamblers distinguish between probability and odds?

Gamblers prefer CX and ZJP because of the temptation of huge profits. They always think they can run fast and that others are the ones who will take over.

For gamblers, all you need to provide is gambling tools. Today's exchanges are more like casinos, providing only a wide variety of gambling tools.

Why did IEO turn into a farce in the end? Because everyone regarded IEO as gambling. Does anyone regard IEO as an investment?

IEO is all about who runs faster. If you make money, you smile, but if you lose money, you say MMP.

The gambler who lost money was so angry that he gathered his accomplices and prepared to smash the casino.

But the memory only lasts three seconds. The previous bet has just ended and the next one has begun. Today, do you guess big or small?

Even if you become rich overnight, you will eventually lose it all.

The money earned by luck will eventually be lost by strength.

This is the inevitable result of a negative-sum game. As long as you don't stop, zero is the final outcome.

For gamblers, life is a gamble.

3. How to invest

Change your life, start from leaving the gambling table. Learn to invest, and you will reach the peak of your life.

1. Know yourself

The philosopher Socrates has a famous saying: know yourself.

We always know nothing about ourselves, and ignorance is the primary root of all evil.

Before investing, you must first know yourself and find the right position for yourself.

What is the difference between the poor and the rich? Financial strength, way of thinking, ability to resist risks, number of opportunities, number of choices, etc.

To know yourself, you need to have a clear positioning of yourself: knowledge boundaries, ability boundaries, financial boundaries, risk boundaries, and even emotional boundaries, etc.

Clearly define your position. Within the boundaries, everything is controllable. Beyond the boundaries means unexpected risks. Invest within the boundaries and only make money within your knowledge circle, ability circle, and capital circle.

If you want to gain more, what should you do? You need to expand your boundaries, learn knowledge, improve your abilities, and so on.

2. Improve cognition

The essence of investment is the realization of cognition. People with high cognition can always get high returns.

Before investing, awareness is a must.

The higher the awareness, the higher the possibility of making money and the higher the benefits you can get.

Improving cognition is simple, it all comes down to learning and practice. First, you need to learn, learn, and learn again.

Read more books and learn industry knowledge, including Bitcoin and blockchain.

You also need to look at the industry from a broader perspective and learn about economics, finance, monetary theory, etc.

Blockchain is a new thing, and knowledge is updated very quickly. If you don’t learn for a day, you will feel that you can’t keep up. You need to update your knowledge frequently.

Visit more professional websites, read more professional articles, listen more to the voices of industry experts, and learn more about industry trends.

Free your eyes from the constraints of K-line, and free your emotions from the anxiety sold by others.

Learning will lead to improvement. This improvement may seem subtle in the short term, but it will eventually accumulate into a mountain that others will find difficult to climb.

3. Unity of knowledge and action

It is not difficult to improve cognition. As long as you have time and are willing to learn, your cognition will always improve. The most difficult thing is to integrate knowledge and action.

Some people say that the furthest distance in the world is the distance between knowing and doing.

Improving cognition is a battle with knowledge, and integrating knowledge and action is a battle with yourself. You have to defeat another self.

You must be able to overcome your inner fears, control your desires, manage your emotions, and resist temptation.

All of this is anti-human, and being anti-human is always the most difficult.

Maintain a healthy mentality and control your emotions.

Don’t be happy when the market goes up, and don’t be sad when the market goes down. “Practice Buddhism” in the ups and downs.

Believe that value will eventually make a comeback, and the current waves are just small ripples on the way forward.

Do what you say and practice it repeatedly.

Many people are giants in knowledge but dwarfs in action.

It’s easier said than done, and I’m no exception.

4. Why do you want to trade in cryptocurrencies?

To be precise, I am not teaching you how to trade in cryptocurrencies, I am teaching you how to invest in Bitcoin.

Of course you can think that Bitcoin is shit. Everyone has different perceptions, and you can’t force it, and there’s no need to argue.

I am not teaching you to chase the rise and sell the fall, I am teaching you value investing.

Why should you speculate in cryptocurrencies? Because it is a better investment.

Because I am more optimistic about the future of Bitcoin and blockchain.

Choosing to trade in cryptocurrencies is an investment in the future. If you stand on the vent of the wind, even pigs can be blown up.

I believe in the future. I am optimistic about Bitcoin and blockchain. This is also one of the few opportunities that ordinary people can grasp.

But the poor should speculate in cryptocurrencies with an "investment" mentality, and not chase rising prices or sell when prices fall.

We must learn to treat hoarding coins as "savings" like Jiu Shen.

Finally, I would like to share Yuqi’s suggestions with you:

Don't Go All In

Idle money investment

Value investment, fixed investment


Avoid the high-yield trap

Of course, all of this is based on personal understanding. You should have your own thoughts on investment. These are just my personal opinions and not investment advice.

I would like to add a different view: I don’t think Erbao flaunts his wealth because he is inferior. Erbao has extremely high IQ and EQ. Erbao flaunts his wealth to create an image of a successful person, sell anxiety, and attract followers. Many KOLs do this. They must be high-profile, must stay popular, must flaunt their wealth, and the ultimate goal is to reap the benefits. This is different from people who really do things. People who do things will choose to be low-key because the first bird to stick its head out gets shot. #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC