first step:

Building and executing a trading system is the key to success. Don't just focus on making money, but focus on perfecting and executing your trading plan, trading principles and strategies. No matter what your trading style is, as long as you can stick to it, you are already on the road to success and surpass the random trading behavior of most people in the market.

Step 2:

Recognize the multi-dimensional reasons for losing money in the cryptocurrency circle. Frequent switching between long and short positions, high leverage, and random buying of options in a bull market are all high-risk operations. Once you make a profit, be sure to withdraw it in time, because market uncertainty and risks always exist, and you don’t know when the next "519" will come.

third step:

Trade prudently and avoid high leverage and frequent trading. After making a profit, learn to withdraw part of the profit and do not re-invest in the market easily. Cherish the opportunities brought by the bull market, but at the same time, remain rational and understand that most people may make money just because of the current market cycle.

the fourth step:

When the bull market is correcting, adopt the strategy of "buy more when the market falls sharply, and buy less when the market falls slightly". But you must control your positions well, avoid excessive single positions, and leave yourself enough room for error. In this way, even if the market has a deep correction, you can remain calm and not be affected by market fluctuations.

the fifth step:

In the cryptocurrency world, new assets often bring the greatest investment opportunities. Therefore, we should pay attention to new market trends and actively participate in the trading of new assets. Once we hit the right spot, wealth gains will follow. At the same time, we should develop the habit of buying "leading" projects, because real "leading" projects often have high growth potential.

Step 6:

During the trading process, be sure to pay attention to risk management. Reduce your position size and avoid long-term contracts and heavy positions. This can reduce your risk exposure and allow you to maintain sufficient flexibility in market fluctuations.

Finally, although the current market is in a bull market, opportunities and risks coexist with ever-changing circumstances. It is recommended to maintain rational trading, follow the above logical thinking, and accumulate wealth in a steady manner.

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