What should I do if a new person enters the circle? Insights from Binance CEO

In the latest X platform post, Binance CEO Richard Teng provided valuable guidance to users new to the cryptocurrency market. Richard emphasized that now is the time to understand the basics of blockchain, invest a lot of time in research, and start investing with small amounts of money on reliable online platforms.

According to Richard’s understanding, new users must understand blockchain and cryptocurrencies. He said this will help investors make the right decisions and navigate the complexities of cryptocurrencies. Richard believes that extensive research is necessary, and he recommends investors to explore different blockchain networks through "DYOR" (Do Your Own Research), which can ensure that investors can judge various crypto assets feasibility and authenticity.

Source: X Binance CEO Richard Teng shares valuable advice to new users entering the cryptocurrency market

Master Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Basics

Richard’s first tip is to understand the basics of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. He emphasized that investors should take the time to learn these technologies and build a solid foundation. Only by understanding these basic concepts can you make informed investment decisions in the complex cryptocurrency market.

As the core technology of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology is a revolutionary technology because of its decentralization, transparency and non-tampering characteristics. Understanding these characteristics and their application scenarios can help investors better judge the potential and risks of cryptocurrency projects.

Conduct in-depth research

The second tip is to do some in-depth research. Richard encourages individuals to explore various blockchain networks, protocols and projects. He believes that the principle of "self-research" is crucial in cryptocurrency investment. Only through independent research can investors have an in-depth understanding of the feasibility and authenticity of different projects and avoid being misled by false information in the market.

Richard particularly emphasized that investors should focus on projects that have achieved certain success in the market and comply with legal regulations. These projects are generally lower risk and more likely to achieve further development in the future.

Invest small, learn step by step

Finally, Richard suggested that novice investors should start with small investments and choose a reliable trading platform. This allows beginners to gradually become familiar with the market environment and appropriately reduce risks. By investing small amounts, investors can gradually develop their investing skills and learn and adjust strategies as they go.

Richard believes it is crucial to invest within a security structure that already exists, not only to help protect the investment but also to allow investors to grow in a compliant environment. He pointed out that compliant platforms usually provide better security and user support, which is especially important for novice investors.

Views on the current market

In addition to offering advice to newbies, Teng also expressed his views on the current market conditions. Richard said he is very optimistic about the market. He attributes this optimism in part to the growth in the number of brick-and-mortar merchants around the world that accept Bitcoin payments over the past year. Richard believes that this trend shows that the acceptance of cryptocurrency is increasing globally, which is very beneficial to the long-term development of the market.

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Richard makes it clear that his advice is simply based on the sharing of years of experience and is not specific financial advice. He hopes that investors can use these suggestions to better protect their assets in the cryptocurrency market and gradually improve their investment capabilities.

Overall, Richard's three key tips provide a clear path for novice investors: understand the basics of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, conduct in-depth research, and start with small investments. These suggestions can not only help novices better understand how the cryptocurrency market works, but also effectively reduce investment risks and gradually establish a successful investment strategy. Richard's insights undoubtedly provide valuable guidance to novice investors in this rapidly evolving and complex market.