Advice from a big shot in the cryptocurrency circle after losing tens of millions: What you must know

1. Stay rational and avoid emotional trading advice

Control emotions: When the market fluctuates violently, stay calm and avoid making impulsive trading decisions due to fear or greed.

Make a plan: Develop a clear investment strategy and plan, and strictly implement it without being disturbed by short-term fluctuations.

2. Continuous learning and research advice

In-depth learning: Continuously learn about blockchain and cryptocurrency, understand technical principles, market dynamics and project background.

Follow authoritative information sources: Follow authoritative cryptocurrency news websites, blogs and social media accounts to get the latest market information.

3. Diversify investment and reduce risk advice

Diversify investment: Don't invest all your funds in one project, diversify your investment into multiple potential projects and asset classes. Regular adjustments: Regularly evaluate and adjust the investment portfolio according to market changes and project development.

4. Do a good job of risk management advice

Set a stop loss point: Set a reasonable stop loss point for each transaction, stop loss in time, and avoid expanding losses.

Control investment ratio: Avoid investing too much money in high-risk projects, reasonably control investment ratios, and ensure fund safety.

5. Choose a safe trading platform and wallet.

Choose a reliable platform: choose a trading platform with high popularity, strong security and good user reviews for trading.

Strengthen security measures: use hardware wallets to store assets, enable two-step verification and other security measures to protect your funds.

6. Focus on long-term value and avoid short-term speculation.

Long-term investment: focus on projects with long-term development potential, formulate long-term investment plans, and avoid frequent short-term speculation.

7. Maintain a good attitude and a healthy lifestyle.

Balanced life: do not pay too much attention to market fluctuations, and maintain a balance between work, life and investment.

8. Be cautious with leveraged trading.

Use leverage with caution: leveraged trading can magnify returns, but also magnify risks. Only use leverage when you fully understand and control risks.

Set stop loss: set a stop loss point for each leveraged transaction, and stop loss in time to avoid greater losses.

9. Regular review and summary of experience and lessons.

Regular summary: regularly review and summarize your investment experience, analyze the reasons for success and failure, and continuously optimize investment strategies.#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BTC