The economic situation has been bad in recent years. I have witnessed the ups and downs of many people, and I feel even more deeply: life is like thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west. Behind every turn of the wind and water, there are people who have made great efforts, forbearance and restraint.

How many big brothers who were once glorious have now disappeared, and how many rich second-generations who were once arrogant and arrogant now know how to restrain themselves.

There are also many children from ordinary families whose self-esteem has been trampled by them. In recent years, they have relied on their unremitting efforts, step by step, and have achieved their goals steadily.

So I often say that people must respect others when they are proud, and respect themselves even more when they are frustrated.

It is not easy to hold an umbrella alone, but this is the process of a person proving himself. I hope that everyone who is still struggling will not give up on themselves!

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