Hot info:

1. Last night, the U.S. core PCE price index for May was 2.6% year-on-year and 0.1% month-on-month, both in line with expectations and lower than the previous value. The impact is limited. As the election approaches, it is estimated that neither side wants major waves in the financial market, and the short-term focus will return to the game of funds on the market.

2. The Sol ETF incident is still brewing. The increase in market attention will continue to prolong Sol's hype, but ETFs will definitely have no chance in the short and medium term. Looking back at the ETF career of BTC and ETH, the first step is to go public, the second step is to determine their own commodity attributes, and the third step is the institutional application for ETFs. Sol, on the other hand, has not even started the first step, and it is a bit of a fantasy to take off directly to the third step. However, the continued hype expectations from Wall Street do not prevent us from being optimistic and holding it.

3. ETH was affected by yesterday's SEC review of pledge projects as "securities", and the named "$LDO $RLP" plummeted by 20-30%; continue to follow up on the dynamics! "Therefore, when God is about to give a great task to a person, he must first cut his leeks!"


The main trend is a shock, and the inertia of the decline is still being digested. The liquidity of 60600 has been plundered. Currently, we are paying attention to the rebound of 61300-61900. However, we will continue to wait for the price reaction after the second test!


The price returns to the support level of 3370-3340. If the rebound does not exceed 3430-3480, continue to wait for the price reaction after the second probe!

The information and data involved in this content are derived from publicly available materials, and we strive to be accurate and reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information. The content does not constitute any investment advice, and you are solely responsible for investing based on it!