🔥🔥Odaily Planet Daily Hot News! Citigroup strategists recently warned that US stocks may face the risk of a sharp drop! 😱😱

📉📉They pointed out that reduced capital inflows and downward revisions to growth expectations indicate that the US stock market may be about to encounter a "summer storm" or "sudden strong winds." 🌪️🌪️

📊📊Citigroup recently raised its year-end target for the S&P 500 to 5,600 points, but in its latest report, they said that "short-term trends have prepared us for a correction." 🚨🚨

🔮🔮The report also pointed out that internal sentiment indicators are at an "excited" level, predicting a recession in the second half of this year. At the same time, general growth expectations have declined in the near term. 😰😰

🗳️🗳️In addition, election volatility remains an uncertain factor, and both parties are likely to face fundamental pressures. 🎭🎭

🚀🚀But don’t forget, we are still optimistic about Bitcoin! 💪💪Bitcoin, we are optimistic about you! 👀👀