📣Good news! Blast announced the launch of Blast Governance and the first proposal "Enable Points for BLAST Holders". 🚀 The goal of Blast Governance is to align incentives to give the BLAST community more influence over the ecosystem. It encourages active community participation in the development of the Blast ecosystem, allowing BLAST holders to propose, debate, and vote on issues such as protocol upgrades, the composition of USDB support, ETH liquidity staking providers, fees, etc. 🗳️

Blast Governance is designed as a system of checks and balances to give BLAST holders governance power while enabling rapid progress. Decision-making power is determined at a higher level by the Token Committee and the Progress Committee. Either committee can initiate a proposal, while the other can veto it. 🔒

The Progress Committee aims to enable rapid development, while the Token Committee has the ability to veto proposals and vote out Progress Committee members, giving BLAST holders ultimate control over the system. 🔑

The Progress Committee has submitted its first proposal to the Blast Foundation, which is related to the Blast Points program. If approved, BLAST holders will receive points on the mainnet. 🎉 The Blast Foundation calls on all BLAST community members to participate in the discussion, hoping that this is the first of many proposals to support the development of Blast: The Fullstack Chain. 🌐