People are full of wisdom, especially those with high emotional intelligence. Technical analysis such as daily market trends, market trends, K-line indicators, and technical forms are all very clear, but trading strategies are forgotten. Anyone who has been trading for a long time knows that trading strategy is as important as technical analysis in determining the success or failure of a trader.

Technical analysis belongs to the category of IQ, while trading strategy belongs to the category of EQ. It is completely fine as long as you know when you are unsure about the market and don't understand it at all.

Technical analysis is the first step, which is elementary and belongs to IQ; trading strategy is the second step, which is medium and belongs to EQ; concept is the third step, which is advanced and belongs to concept, philosophy and truth. Most traders do not reach the second step from technical analysis, let alone the third step.

For currency speculation, if you are just hard-working, diligent, law-abiding, and law-abiding, then the probability of success will definitely not be as high as that of a trader who adapts to circumstances, observes words and emotions, and knows how to predict the spring breeze and water. To make money in the market, it is more important to know clearly what kind of market trends you cannot understand or grasp than to know what kind of market trends you can understand. Because capital preservation is the most important thing. If you don't know how to avoid risks and only know how to make profits, you won't survive at all.

Even gods cannot understand all the market conditions, so gods will not hold positions until late. So as a small leek, why should you force yourself to do something difficult? In the process of speculating in coins: buying coins, holding coins, locking positions, and selling coins are all part of the trading category.

Learning to choose short positions at the right time and learning to refuse trades are important components of trading strategies and a crucial lesson for traders.

The fluctuation of currency price is like our wonderful life, with ups and downs, passion and stormy waves, but perhaps more often it is calm.

Many people who trade in cryptocurrencies made money in the bull market and thought they were the gods of cryptocurrencies. They were financially free and could use the cryptocurrencies as ATMs every day. However, the bear market soon came and everything went to waste. First, the profits evaporated, and then the principal was lost. They were unwilling to accept this and borrowed money to trade in cryptocurrencies, but soon they got nothing in return.

Life is like speculation, choice and giving up are twins. You should know how to choose and give up. Don't treat your chest as an airport tarmac, wanting to own and embrace everything. If you don't know how to give up, your life will not be happy.#币安合约锦标赛 $BTC