The transaction fees of the MEV robot (Maximum Extractable Value robot) on the Ethereum network are summarized below in detail:

Single transaction fee:

The MEV robot spent 49 ETH as transaction fees in a single transaction. Based on the Ethereum price at the time, the transaction fee of these 49 ETH was worth about $171,000.

Cumulative transaction fees:

From February 2023 to June 2024, the MEV robot spent a total of 76,916 ETH. Calculated at the value of these transactions when they were executed, the cumulative cost was about $175 million.

The role of the MEV robot:

The MEV robot mainly operates against memecoin traders on the chain. They ensure that transactions are processed first by paying high ETH as transaction fees (gas fees) and tips. The MEV (maximum extractable value) strategy includes gaining advantages by manipulating the order of transactions, such as performing mezzanine attacks.


The MEV robot has performed a large number of transactions on the Ethereum network, and it pays high ETH as transaction fees to ensure that transactions can be executed quickly, thereby obtaining the maximum extractable value. From February 2023 to June 2024, the MEV robot spent a total of nearly $175 million in ETH as transaction fees.