The road of speculation is full of risks. Once you get involved, it is almost inevitable to be trapped. If you are not careful, the loss may snowball and even lead to bankruptcy.

However, how should we deal with the dilemma of being trapped? The essence of unwinding lies in how to face and bear risks. When we make mistakes in market judgment and operation, we face two choices: one is to stop loss in time to avoid further losses; the other is to choose to hold the order and wait for a turnaround. Although some people advocate that you should stop loss immediately when you lose money to avoid the risk of holding the order, I don’t think this is absolute. In the market fluctuations, many losses can be recovered in a turnaround within two weeks. However, if the losses cannot be recovered, your principal will be exhausted.

Therefore, before discussing the unwinding strategy, we must first examine whether this loss is worth it. The following six methods may help you.

(1) Strict stop loss: Determine a suitable stop loss point, and once the price reaches or falls below this point, immediately execute the stop loss to close the position. This can avoid further losses and protect the investment principal.

(2) Stop loss in batches: If you do not want to stop loss of all positions at once, you can consider setting stop loss points in batches. For example, divide the investment position into several parts and set different stop loss points at different price levels.

(3) Gradually reduce positions: If the market rebounds, you can consider gradually reducing the size of your position to reduce risk exposure. The strategy of gradually reducing positions can be adjusted according to market fluctuations to balance possible returns and risks.

(4) Technical analysis and market observation: Through technical analysis and continuous market observation, confirm the market's trend and trend changes, and adjust investment strategies and execution time.

(5) Seek professional advice: If you are not sure how to operate, you can consider seeking advice from professional investment consultants or experienced investors. They may be able to provide more in-depth market analysis and specific strategies for getting out of the trap.

(6) Learn and reflect: No matter which strategy you ultimately decide to adopt, you must learn and reflect from this experience. Understand the reasons for being trapped and work hard to avoid similar mistakes.
