In 2014, the highest pie was 1243u and the lowest was only 170.

In 2017, the highest pie was 19,700u and the lowest was only 2,800u.

In 2021, the highest pie is 69,000u and the lowest is only 28,130.

In 2024, the pie will be as high as 73,700u and as low as only 38,500u.

So what about 2025 and 2026? People who don’t believe in big names will never make money in the currency circle!

Before the big stars, there must be a copycat season, so how should we plan before the copycat season arrives? Here I would like to recommend to you the lista, the grandson of Binance, which is currently the most popular and has risen against the trend many times!

LISTA token holders can stake their tokens to the Listapie platform

Platform, receive multi-layered rewards such as Lista stardlust and Listapie airdrops, participate in ListapieIDo quota, and provide opportunities to participate in early project investment.

Related to slisbnb: Its unique slisBNB is the profitability and liquidity staking token of BNB. slisBNB can realize liquidity mining. Users holding slisBNB can obtain income by participating in liquidity mining.

Community: Lista DAO is an open source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity center for LSDt on the BNB smart chain. Lista DAO relies on its innovative model, strong team and

The support of Binance Labs is expected to become the foundation of decentralized finance.

A new benchmark, its innovative technology is unique.

Lista is expected to become the leader and benchmark for copycats. I always believe that Daniel will definitely arrive!

And the potential of $LISTA among the big bulls will be like a dragon entering the sea and soaring into the sky. #Lista启航新纪元