Ten Rules of Trading:

1. First and foremost, keep a light position in most cases. Only when the market is highly certain and there is an immediate prospect of generating floating profits, can you go for a relatively heavy position.

2. Never get involved in left-side trading, otherwise, even if you can avoid it for a while, it is difficult to avoid long-term risks. Develop the habit of trying to build a position on the right side first, and then increase the position after there is floating profit.

3. Resolutely put an end to the practice of increasing positions when there is floating loss.

4. Make sure that the mathematical expectation of each transaction is positive.

5. Choose the strongest varieties to go long, and pick the weakest varieties to go short. The strength here does not only refer to the strength of the current trend, but also needs to consider the pros and cons of the overall pattern.

6. Be patient with floating profit positions. Even if you reach the target price, you can close half and keep half to observe the subsequent situation. When facing floating loss positions, you must not be nostalgic, especially when the judgment of the degree of certainty is less than 50%, you should decisively cut the position and exit.

7. The position of the position should be adjusted dynamically with the degree of grasp of the market. Don't bet heavily sometimes, clear all the positions sometimes, and become a transaction controlled by emotions.

8. The trading system should be both complete and simple. If there are too many interference factors, it will only make you confused and at a loss.

9. Set no loss of money as your goal every day, and try all kinds of ways to achieve it. Making money is only slightly better than not losing money, while losing money is much worse than not losing money.

10. Treat the road of trading as a life test and a practice of seeking the truth, which may make it easier to get a peaceful mentality.

Finally, this road is extremely difficult, and few people can reach the end. Come on, everyone, and look forward to seeing you at the top!