Tonight at 20:30!!!

Heavyweight PCE data released!!!

This is the inflation data that the Federal Reserve is most concerned about, and it may determine whether interest rates will be cut in the future and the pace of interest rate cuts.

The estimated value is 2.8, and it will take off if it is lower than it! You should also pay attention to new coins, such as Lista DAO. This is an open source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol, and it is also the LSDfi liquidity center on the BNB smart chain. Many people are paying attention to it.

LISTA coin holders: can participate in governance voting, influence decision-making, and get rewards for staking, and can also get multiple rewards and USDT. slisBNB prospects: There are income and liquidity, and with the expansion of the BNB chain ecosystem, the application scenarios will increase.

Lista DAO future: There is innovation potential, providing diverse income plans, improving asset liquidity, and will expand platform functions and promote development.

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