What will happen to Bitcoin next? Maybe it will rebound in July!

The Bitcoin market has been a bit turbulent recently. ETF funds are flowing out of the United States, miners are also selling Bitcoin, and the US and German governments have transferred large amounts of Bitcoin to exchanges. These things sound worrying, but don't worry, historical data tells us that the price of Bitcoin may rebound in July!

Miners have sold a lot recently, perhaps for operations or to take advantage of high prices, which has indeed put a lot of pressure on the market. The government's transfer of Bitcoin has also made everyone feel uneasy, especially since these Bitcoins were confiscated from illegal gains. But experience tells us that this is often the beginning of new opportunities.

Interestingly, in the past few years, after Bitcoin fell in June, it always rebounded sharply in July, sometimes by double digits! This pattern is quite interesting and gives us some hope.

From a technical point of view, Bitcoin has fallen recently, but now it seems to have stabilized at a certain support level. If this position can hold, then Bitcoin will rebound later.

The market always has good and bad, risks and opportunities. July may be a good time for Bitcoin to turn around, let's look forward to it together!

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