Big news is coming!!!

Big news is coming!!!

Big news is coming!!!

There is still half an hour before the release of the May PCE data in the United States. This is also one of the inflation data most favored by the FOMC. Foresight believes that there will be some relatively good inflation news to ease the current bear market.

In this round of forecasts, the overall PCE month-on-month growth rate is the same as last month, which is the first time in 23 years. Most importantly, after excluding categories with large fluctuations such as food and energy prices, the remaining core PCE year-on-year growth forecast will be the lowest growth rate since March 2021, when the core PCE price index exceeded the FOMC's coveted 2% target for the first time.

This is just the forecast of the US Commerce Bureau based on the unpublished data, and its basis is comprehensive and thorough enough than most institutions. In addition, the personal income and consumer expenditure data released by it predict that the two will increase by 0.4% and 0.3% month-on-month. If the market results come true for its prediction, it will become another milestone in the history of US anti-inflation. #美联储何时降息? #美国PCE数据将公布