This year is the worst in the history of cryptocurrencies

1. A big change in the copycat market: many copycats will return to zero. Unlike the previous rounds of bull markets, today's consensus logic, judgment criteria, and investment logic have all changed. , and copycats are not included in them. The changes of the times have eliminated too many slow-reacting people. It is a pity that the updates and iterations of this circle are far beyond the general level. The collapse of the copycat consensus, the inside story of the copycat was revealed and no one paid for it. This consensus effect began to occur rapidly, and many people will be buried

2. The collapse of the VC consensus: everyone no longer pays high respect and faith to VC.

The trust in what they say, do, and are optimistic about is extremely reduced

3. The crypto dividend fades: the tension of the currency circle dividend fades, everyone is thinking about quickly getting wealth and freedom here, very impatient and uneasy. Most people are worried about where they will go after this round of bull market in the crypto circle.

4. This round will return the accumulation of many years of many people who have not left the table. Things you can't imagine will happen in this round. You have been happy for so many years, and it is not too much to make you sad once.