

There is no copycat season in recent months, be careful of the zero tide! ?

There will be no copycat season in recent months, and we should generally prevent the zero tide. Be cautious when operating from the top, for fear of being trapped halfway up the mountain.

There may be a long bear market in the near future, for three reasons: the mainstream of copycats has a large-scale resonance short position, and the main force is unlikely to reverse and pick up people;

There is no clear time point for favorable factors such as interest rate cuts, and retail investors who should enter the market have entered, and capital will not be released;

Many people refer to the past and believe that there will be a big bull market the year after the halving, but this time is different, and there is no hope of waiting for the return of investment.

Although I am bearish, I also got on the train yesterday to do short-term trading, and I will never fight to the death, and I will not miss the opportunity to wait for a new rise.

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