#VTHO $VTHO VTHO Market Overview

On the one-hour chart, the short side is dominant; the yellow signal point appears at the two-hour level, which may mean changes. On the four-hour chart, the long trend is obvious, and special attention should be paid to the long-short watershed, which is near the position of 0.002435.

The support below is quite stable, mainly concentrated near the two positions of 0.002353 and 0.002245.

As for the upper pressure, it is mainly concentrated near the three positions of 0.002593, 0.002725 and 0.002839.

If you need to analyze the copycat points, search for the public account/number: Encrypted Riding the Wind

Please keep a close eye on the investors and capture the market dynamics at any time to seize trading opportunities in the ever-changing market.

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