#MemeWatch2024 $MEME

MEME market analysis for the day:

MEME market trend today is complex, with the one- and two-hour levels showing that the short side has the upper hand, while the four-hour level clearly shows that the long side is dominant. In today's trading, special attention should be paid to the long and short key points near 0.019535 at the four-hour level.

Search for the public account/number of the copycat points that need to be analyzed: Encrypted Riding the Wind

If the market price shows a downward trend, investors should keep a close eye on the support levels of 0.019021, 0.018600, and 0.018202. If these positions are broken, further declines may occur. On the contrary, if the price rebounds, the pressure levels of 0.020189, 0.020587, and 0.021125 will become the focus of market attention. If they can be effectively broken through, they may lead to higher prices.

In short-term trading, investors must remain vigilant and pay close attention to the changes in the comparison of long and short forces in order to formulate appropriate trading strategies.

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