📢Blockchain News Flash! Odaily Planet Daily quoted Greeks.live researcher Adam's analysis that today is the quarterly delivery day, and more than $100 billion of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) options will expire. 📊

Adam pointed out that 107,000 BTC options will expire, with a Put Call Ratio of 0.5, a maximum pain point of $57,000, and a notional value of $6.6 billion. 1.04 million ETH options will also expire, with a Put Call Ratio of 0.59, a maximum pain point of $3,100, and a notional value of $3.6 billion. 😲

June was a difficult month for the crypto market. BTC and ETH prices once approached the maximum pain point that investors thought was impossible to reach, and the market atmosphere was relatively pessimistic. 📉

However, despite the large market volatility, the mainstream currency IV of BTC and ETH did not show a significant increase, and both were at a low level. 📈

Adam predicts that there will be clearer news about ETH ETF at the beginning of next month. IV will be under strong downward pressure in the next few days after today's delivery. Buying some call options when IV is low will be a very cost-effective choice. 🚀

Stay optimistic about Bitcoin, let us look forward to the next development of the cryptocurrency market! 💪