#区块链快讯# Greeks.live researcher Adam posted on the X platform, revealing some key data of the recent crypto market. According to him, 107,000 BTC options and 1.04 million ETH options are about to expire, with a nominal value of US$6.6 billion and US$3.6 billion, respectively. This is part of the quarterly delivery, with a total value of more than US$10 billion. However, despite the large market volatility, the IV of mainstream currencies such as BTC and ETH has not risen significantly, but has remained at a low level. He predicts that the news of the ETH ETF will be clear at the beginning of next month, when IV may be under strong downward pressure. He suggested that buying some call options while IV is low may be a very cost-effective option. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss! 👇