🔥🔥Three key points must be read🔥🔥

1. The bull market is still there, which is a positive prediction for the long-term trend of the stock market. The bull market means that the overall market trend is upward, and most stocks are likely to get positive returns. But it should be noted that the volatility of the stock market is normal, and even in the bull market, there will be short-term adjustments or fluctuations.

2. July is the best time to buy the bottom. This view is based on the judgment of the current market trend. Buying the bottom means buying when the stock price falls to a certain extent, in order to gain profits when the stock price rises. But buying the bottom also requires caution, because the market trend is difficult to predict, and if the judgment is wrong, it may lead to losses.

3. Liquidity will improve in August, which is a prediction of market liquidity. Liquidity is a very important factor in the stock market, which affects the trading activity and price fluctuations of the market. If liquidity improves, it means that the market trading is more active, which is conducive to the rise of stock prices. Regarding your point of view, I think it needs to be treated with caution. Although the market trend has its own rules, there are also many uncertain factors that affect the market trend. Therefore, when making investment decisions, you need to consider a variety of factors, including the macroeconomic environment, policy factors, market sentiment, etc. At the same time, you also need to remain calm and rational, and not be affected by short-term market fluctuations.

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